Mystim Electric Eric eStim Vibrator
Mystim Electric Eric eStim Vibrator
Now also available in the noble Black Edition: Our E-Stim vibrators are the first and only toys that pamper you with vibration and stimulation current at the same time – and at the same time do without any irritant power device. No cables, no apparatus – Electric Eric & Co vibrate, tingle and pulsate all by themselves.
Our Eric has two sources of vibration: one in the tip and one in the shaft. In the eight different programs and 5 different strengths, the two play together and do their best to drive you to ecstasy as varied as possible.
Each of the five stimulation current programs that the E-Stim vibrator is equipped with is designed to give you a new sparkling feeling experience. Eric’s guide surfaces run along the sides and have 10 different intensity levels to make the stimulation as wide-spread and even as possible.
Pelvic floor training
And because 8 vibration programs and 5 different stimulation current variants were not enough for us, our Electric Eric also has a training program that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which has been shown to improve the orgasm ability in the ladies.
The three different functions can be easily operated via the control buttons in the handle. You can choose whether you want to use stimulation current and vibration together, or just one of them.
Our Eric is made of medical platinum silicone. It is not only really hygienic, but also easy to clean with a damp cloth and a mild soap. It has a long-lasting lithium-ion battery that can be charged via the Mystim magnet charge USB cable, which we naturally supply. Even with simultaneous operation of the irritant current and vibration at the highest setting, a fully charged Electric Eric lasts at least 3 hours of continuous operation before its effectiveness decreases.
Electric Eric’s supple silicone body has a length of 27 cm and a diameter of 3.8 cm at its thickest point.
Eric E-Stim electric vibrator
Rechargeable, quiet vibrator, with two motors in the conical shaft. 8 function levels can be selected at 5 speeds. Side fins with 5 E-Stim programs in 10 intensity levels. In addition to the pelvic floor muscle training program. Functions can be controlled separately. black. 27 cm long, Ø 3.5 3.8 cm. material: silicone, ABS. Includes USB cable, instruction manual and rigid case.
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